Only one month remaining till the end of 2019! Once the new year starts, we'll be asking for nominations for the Atlas Awards once again, and we'll post more on that early next year.

In the meantime, can I remind everyone that only works that are posted in 'Finished Maps' during 2019 are eligible for nomination. If you created a challenge map and didn't re-post it in Finished Maps, or maybe you completed a WIP and forgot to post the final version, you've got till 31st December to get it into Finished Maps.

You can easily check back everything you’ve done this year by going to your profile page and clicking 'Find latest started threads' from the vertical menu near the top left. If you've missed something, make sure to post it in Finished Maps before the end of the month.

Thanks, all. We're looking forward to showcasing the 'best of the best' once again next year!