Good afternoon,

Wow there is so much talent gathered here!

I am preparing for a new online D&D campaign and would like help with the maps. Looking through all of the tools to create maps is daunting, and art work is not my strong suite.

My apologies if I am a bit vague, with the talent here i hesitate to give parameters that would stunt what this could possibly turn out to be. I am happy to negotiate a payment that makes sense, talent should be rewarded.


D&D fantasy setting. I am thinking a continent containing 3 city-states, a significantly large wild forest and a large barrens(some snow, but generally just desolate landscape). One of the city states will be a "border" between the barrens area and the rest of the civilized lands.

I am looking for a world map, and then regional maps for the 5 specified areas. May turn into a few city maps also, we shall see.


Not sure what style would make most sense. Whoever i work with could propose something?

Quality & Size

Not something to be framed on a wall, but something pretty to look at. I am thinking hexes equaling 6 miles. with the total map 120x80 hexes or so.

Time Constraints

The campaign is to start in the middle of February.


This will be used for a friendly online D&D game, no copyright necessary.

I am new to this site so cannot get pm's yet. If you are interested please reply with your email(is that how it is done here?)

Thank you in advance for your time.