Hello, all! I posted a couple times in "How do I??" before I found this, so my apologies. But now at least I have something to share!

I'm making a campaign world for a roleplaying game (like many people here, I bet), and I wanted to go all out on the realism. I started with plate tectonics, using GPlates to simulate how movements would lead to land mass and mountain formation. From there I used Geoff's Climate Cookbook to create realistic biomes, which combined with the elevation map I'd made to suggest small-scale water features. All this was then changed from an equirectangular projection to a Robinson projection using G Projector.

The end result created this elevation map:

Elevation and Water.png

and this climate map:


That's where I got stuck. I didn't know how to make the maps I'd made look like an actual work of fantasy art. After a couple posts here, I figured out what I wanted to do. I used Typus Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius as inspiration and a toolbox. I extracted the palette from Ortelius' map and created an image hose from sixteen of his mountains to use for my own mountain ranges. After a lot of work (and studying tutorials), this is what I finished about half an hour ago:

Physical Geography - Kau'ea.jpeg

There are plenty of things I'm not sure about, so C&C is absolutely welcome. A fun note: the name of the largest continent used to be "Sweet Keleraen," but one sleepy night I randomly sang it to the tune of "Sweet Caroline," so that had to go. XD

Hope you guys are doing well, and thanks for your time!