For my money, I think the screen is worth it. It just makes your workflow so much more natural. But then again, if you've been using your old one for that many years, I imagine you're used to using a screenless tablet - I can honestly say I never got the hang of using one. I always felt like I needed to completely re-learn how to draw, and I had a couple of weird "dead angles" that my hand never got used to (like, I'd try to draw a line at a certain -20-ish degree angle and for some reason I'd just always land a good 10-15 degrees off, and I had to re-do it several times before I got it right) which were 100% my own problem and not issue with the actual tablet. Drawing lineart for mountains and the like for a map took literally two or three days as I'd have to do every single one twice or thrice before they looked even somewhat finished. With the Cintiq, all of these problems went away and my workflow got about three times faster. I finally started getting some maps finished, and actually improving at freehand drawing stuff.

So yeah, for me the Cintiq has been a life saver. I invested in the 22HD model, which is not the cheapest one out there, and I've never regretted it. But like I said, I always had a lot of trouble with the regular tablet, and I know a lot of people can use those very effectively. I guess it boils down to, how much of a headache is that old Bamboo giving you now?