By Arsheesh
Wow, your artistic skill has come a long way Ilanthar. Your illustration skills alone are much improved. I think my favorite elements of the new piece are those ships though. Awesome design on those.
Thanks a lot, Tad! Very glad to read it. Well, I intend to draw a "representative" ship for each nation. It's a "watery world", after all .

By - JO -
I'm not sure either... I love the texture, but the fact that all the stroke are not parallels made me think it was some kind of moutains (bottom of...) I'm sure it would look more like waves if the strokes are all parallels
Yup, I hear you. Clearly, I'm drawing in a curvy way (truth be told, I turn a bit the picture &/or the tablet when I want to draw a straight line). I think I'll find another way, though, because all those strokes are very boring long to do.

Not done much today. I had to work in the morning and enjoyed the sun doing some bike in the afternoon.
The islands of Ymiris (Snake) are pretty much done, and I've just started the islands of the Szbarao Rings (Spider).
### Latest WIP ###
Hyerune neo.jpg