Congratulations to all the contestants !
The progresses you've made along the way, from the old maps to the new ones, really tell a lot about your dedication.
Adria Reborn by Kellerica
Map of Ulrizen by JO
D'Roi Castle Ruins by Bogie
Coastal village remake by Larb
Kingdom of Tallia by Ifrix
Hyérune by Ilanthar
Map of the Shire by Marc
Theano by Domino
Trouble Island by rdanhenry
Return to River Mystique by Greason Wolfe
Inhabited Lands fo Arlis by Tiana
Fishing village of St. Just in the Willows by Tonquani
Congratulations to all the contestants !
The progresses you've made along the way, from the old maps to the new ones, really tell a lot about your dedication.