*waves* Hi, I'm a fantasy writer. I've been writing since I was nine, but I didn't become serious about it until college. I don't have any novels published yet, just a short story and a few poems. I've always loved fantasy maps, but I only just started trying to make my own about six months ago. I was mostly goofing off, then I started to make one for my current project and realized I don't have a CLUE what I'm doing, lol. I found this site while looking up how to properly add rivers, and I've spent the last three days reading about that and mountains. Today I've been drowning in climate information. Attempting this has actually made me realize how little thought I've put into my other two worlds (which is probably why they aren't done yet, ha. Although, in one world the land itself is magic, so I have a little leeway there). I'm having a lot of fun learning, and eventually I'll post a rough draft of the map .

I can't draw (seriously, at all), so I started out using Inkarnate, but last week I found Wonderdraft and I LOVE it. I managed to create my own continents with it instead of using the generator, I'm ridiculously pleased about that .

I'm looking forward to learning more from this forum!