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Thread: Witten Asylum

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    Guild Novice Facebook Connected strokes's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Map Witten Asylum

    Another map I made with CC3, the ground level of Witten Asylum and its surrounding streets and alleys.

    Located in a large city, the asylum is a formidable structure in its own right.
    Standing three stories high and built like a s*&% brickhouse, no windows are visible, and the only entrance appears to be through a wrought iron gate, which is guarded by two men. The reception room, is guarded by a 'Mr. Strogg' and his rottweilers. A simple mace leans against the wall behind his desk for all visitors to plainly see. Positively no weapons are allowed in the asylum, other than the ones carried by the guard staff who patrol the ground floor regularly. Weapons are to be left with 'Mr. Strogg' who will place them in a locker located in the reception room.

    Not all the asylum's patients are mad, some have been admitted for unacceptable social behaviors, yet others have been admitted for lack of room in the cities gaols.

    There's more than one way to enter the asylum other than its front door. Adventuring party's looking for a covert method of entering the asylum should look to the sewers below and come up through one of the hospitals many privy's or try the trapdoor in the pantry.
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