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Thread: Commission for a few Maps for my First D&D world

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    Post Commission for a few Maps for my First D&D world

    Hey everyone,
    I am about to start running my first game in a few months. If possible, I would like a town map and a regional map. It can be either in black and white or color depending on your rate. The description of the region I've made is as follows:

    For the region map, I would like a mountain range in the northwest, a jungle to the north east. Connecting the mountain and the jungle I would like a river. The river will get thinner and and more focused through the mountains, and get wider and have many branches through the jungle.

    To the southwest, the mountains taper and become smaller, turning into a set of hills. The jungle gets thinner and more temperate, becoming a forest in the southwest. The river is fairly wide here, but not as wide or as branching up near the jungles. The farther south you get the more open grassland there is. The river bends south from the mountains before swinging back north to the jungle.

    Straddling the river at it's southern most bend is a small new settlement known as Creed's haven. A set of three bridges connect the north and south portions of the town. A few major landmarks make up the town. The town was built around an old stone temple like building to an unknown god. This is what the mayor of the town uses as his home, and the place where he holds office. It is in the souther section of the south side of town. The only inn in town is one of the largest buildings, and is called the three rogues. It is on the north side of town. A large plaza surrounds the center of town on both sides of the river. The town has a small wooden wall surrounding it.

    We can discuss further details if you are interested. I would like a region map and a town map. I am willing to pay, but I am not sure what is reasonable for this type of project. It does not have to be extremely detailed, just something that is playable at least. I do not have a hard timeline, but if I can have something by the end of next month that would be great!

    If interested, please email me at [email]bschneider1851 [at] gmail [.com]/email] or contact me on discord at thephonz#1894 with your rates and some samples of your work. Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to hearing from you.

    Edit: I have a person doing the region map. I am still looking for people to do the town map and eventually a world map, so I will keep this up.

    Edit: Thanks for all the responses! This is taken
    Last edited by bschneider1851; 03-15-2020 at 12:21 PM.

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