Starting on a world map for a fictional planet. A bit of lore: this is a mysterious planet that suddenly appeared in the solar system one day in 2050, shooting Mars out of its orbit and essentially replacing it. Several expeditions were made to the strange planet, dubbed "The Anomaly", discovering that it had once been inhabited by humans (or at least, something that looked very much like humans), though now it was a frozen and barren wasteland. Over the next several years people mapped out both the geography and the history of the planet as best they could. After a lot of effort deciphering the languages found there, and some extremely fortuitous discoveries, the true name of the planet was eventually learned. Nalia.

I currently have the coast outline done. I plan to add topography and rivers and stuff to it later. I also want to make a couple of different versions showing different things. A realistic satellite map, a theoretical map for what the climate/biomes may have been before the planet was frozen over, a map showing past tectonic activity (the planet is no longer geologically active), the ranges of known cultures/countries, sites of historical interest, and maybe some other things when I think of them. I also want to make a couple of regional maps supposed to be made by inhabitants of the world.

A tough task, since I've never gotten a world map past the topographic stage before. But there's always a first time.

