
I have posted this here before, though not in this section, so some of you might have seen it. This is one of my favorite maps from last year or maybe near the end of 2018, and I like to repost it every now and again on the internet because I generally get a fairly low visibility and I think it deserves admiration. It was an expensive piece. T_T And very time consuming. V_V Not a single detail wasn't digitally painted by me except one. I crashed my computer mid-way and lost multiple hours of work due to how long it took to save... it crashed in the save... aaaaahhhhhh... at least I was being more than fairly paid by the commissioner, a DM who wanted a huge poster for his game room.

While many of my older pieces i begin to see flaws in as time goes by, this one i still love. It has inspired a few pieces which followed after, for example the Southern Hemisphere Islands of Isalia / Vyanfar digital map painting. And of course I like the Isalia map too but nothing beats the original Hymar map with its enormous maelstrom (which yes, I painted, ALMOST no cheating on this map! Around 40 hours of work my haaand cries in memory... all of those individuated treeeeees... if you want to know what I cheated on, it's the boat in the storm).

Obviously long done, printed and installed on my client's wall (I saw a picture! It did NOT print too dark!) so critique is not desired. I only have an interest in that for contemporary work that isn't done yet. Nothing will be changed on this map no matter what you say about it. Please save your enthusiasm for bettering artists for those who desire it, or for me when I'm doing something like a challenge map that's obviously in progress where I might have said something like, "what do you think?". This is one of a select few pieces that i still like and I'm not interested in having that destroyed by your Opinions. Just sharing to inspire. Make a cool maelstrom or whatever in your own map in a different way if you don't like mine!