Hello Cartographers

I have now dabbeld in the arts of wolrdbuilding and mapmaking for some time, and have decided that I want to try my hand at creating my own world for GURPS. So I decided to start with the geography itself, in order to have a more "natural" approach when it comes to filling it with critters.

Creating the shape and placing mountains was not that hard using some loose geographical processes, however I am at a loss when it comes to placing smaller islands and rivers/lakes on the scale the map has. at the top of the map you can see the north-south "length" of the main Landmass at the given scale.

My two main problems are as follows:

- The coastline seems a little blank to me, but I am afraid that too many island hugging the continent will make it look super unrealistic
- Advice conserning the large rivers, which I would like to include. Are there too many, are they too long, how meandering should they be on this mapscale?


All C&C is welcome, thanks in advance
The future citizens of UR