Hey, guys!

I'd like to introduce you to my baby, a world called (for now) Mundus Innominatus. Sounds kinda silly, I think, haha!

In the first step I used Worldengine to create the continents. According to the GitHub page, "[w]orlds are generated using plate simulations, erosion, rain shadows, Holdridge life zones model and plenty of other phenomenons." My world is actually two different 512x512 worlds joined together and a small continent pasted in the middle just because I wanted some land situated in the prime meridian. Then I figured out I could actually generate 2:1 worlds instead of square ones, but I didn't quite like the shape of the continents I generated later, so I stuck with the first thing I did.

There are two things I don't like about Worldengine: first, it doesn't give a clue about the shape of the tectonic plates, so I can only guess the shape of the continental shelves, and where the ridges and trenches are. Second, the maps it generates can't be fit into a globe, unless one edits the map so it looks like an equirectangular projection. It can be easily done in Photoshop with Flexify. The downside is that there won't be any Antarctica-like continents (boo ).

The second step was to redraw the general shapes of the landmasses and then I used OldGuy's tutorial for realistic coastlines. After that, I used Arsheesh's wonderful tutorial for creating an Eriond style map, but I adapted it to just color code the elevation for a later step I'm planning to do.

And that's it! This is what I have so far. I may add some more islands later or something. Of course, the name will change when I create its history. I hope you like it, and certainly any comments are welcome.
