Despite the fact that I am not using this for commerical purposes, I know that money gets people talking, so I am willing to pay for a good map.

I would like the map to be earth-sized, with a massive body of ocean separating the two halves of the map as to fit in with the exploration-type game I am working on. [] This is the rough outline of the map I had, I'd like to follow it but its not a huge caveat, but I show it to you hoping you get what I intend for the map.

I need two things from the map, a completely blank white version of the map to be used as a political map, and a physical map to show terrain.

The map I linked above is 15000x7500 pixels, I think thats a good size but I'll defer judgement to you, when I was editing the map I was going pixel by pixel so, for choosing between vector and raster, I will easily go for raster.
Also if anything changes in the game, raster graphics help to modify the map without too much struggle.