This is the CICS NAVSOC Poseidon Tactical Dreadnought, and the 2 abbreviations stand for Confederation of Independent Colonies (the regional government), and Naval Special Operations Command. This is both the flagship of the Colonial Navy, and the primary base for Colonial Marines in Colonial Space. Starfinder ship stats below. The ship is in the shape of a giant squid or Kraken, as the name implies, though it appears to have many weapons in it's nose. In reality, only 2 capital persistent particle beam cannons sit as a pair on the lower portion of the nose, the other extensions are antennas for the communications and the scanning array which share the same location - and appears as the tentacles of the squid itself.

Poseidon Tier 19
Kraken class NAVSOC transport-carrier dreadnought
Speed 6; Maneuverability clumsy (-2 Piloting, turn 4); Hyperspace1
AC 25; TL 32
HP 600; DT 15; CT 80
Shields superior 600 (forward 150, port 150, starboard 150, aft 150)
Attack (Forward) 2 capital persistent particle beam cannons (2d10 x10)
Attack (Port) 3 Hellfire torpedo launchers (2d10 x10); rail gun (8d4)
Attack (Starboard) 3 Hellfire torpedo launchers (2d10 x10); rail gun (8d4)
Attack (Turret) 4 laser net (2d6 x4)
Power Core Gateway Ultra (500 PCU) x3; Hyperdrive Signal Basic; Systems advanced long range sensors, biometric locks, c6 thrusters, crew quarters (common), mk2 tetranode, mk4 armor, mk10 defenses; Expansion Bays auxiliary shield bay (extend shields x2), cargo hold (6 bays), external docking collars (4), colonial marine colossal bay, power core housing (2), recreation suite (gym), sick bay, tech work shop
Modifiers-2 piloting, +2/+2/+2/+2 computers, +4 scans; Complement 500; 1000 marines

