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Thread: Fantasy map needed for D&D

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    Post Fantasy map needed for D&D

    Hello! First time actually commissioning a map, so hopefully I don't mess up this post too bad!

    I'm looking to run a homebrew D&D campaign, and given that the group I am running is very invested in the campaign so far, I figured it would be nice to treat them to something that does not look like it was drawn by a 5 year old with MS paint. With that said I don't have a price-point in mind, as I figure this can be better negotiated when discussing what details should be included on the map, however I am absolutely willing to pay for high quality work.

    The map is centered around one large continent (and a small island included at the bottom). I tried my best to lay out somewhat of a legend for the rough sketch provided below: Giving city names a * next to them and the locations are marked with the black circles, Zone or region names are just written in black, mountain passes written in blue, orange dots represent dwarven towns so they are easier to see in the mountains, blue dots representing elven towns, and black dots being human towns. In the interest of not making this post a small novel I can provide details on roughly how the terrain of each region looks in a DM, should anyone take this request.

    D&D map (Rough Sketch).png
    Very rough sketch, sorry in advance!

    Ideally I would prefer a style that looks hand-drawn on worn parchment if at all possible, that said outside of this I'm not too deadset about how colorful or lack thereof it should be.

    Quality & Size
    Semi professional would be preferable due to intending to use this for gaming.
    I am looking for something that is more high-res, to better work with showing my players their exact location when running the campaign.

    Time Constraints
    Honestly don't have anything that would necessarily dictate a strict time constraint, that said I would ideally like to aim for a 1-3 month window, although that is absolutely me guessing at how long this could take and I would not mind in the slightest if it does take longer, as stated haven't done this before so not sure how long these usually take.

    The artist will retain copyright of the map.

    Contact Details
    I am best reached at my email address Hangler613-at-gmail-dotcom, although I also enabled notifications of posts on this thread so I'll be keeping an eye out.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hopefully working with you!

    EDIT: Thank you to everyone who reached out, the request has been taken!
    Last edited by Voodew; 06-18-2020 at 06:33 PM. Reason: Request has been taken

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