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Thread: Burgenos, Regional Capital

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  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Hoel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Skövde, Sweden

    Post Burgenos, Regional Capital

    This is the end result. WIP thread here.

    Ok. Here goes:
    This is Burgenos, the regional capital and home town of my current D&D group.
    The map is hand drawn in PS CS3. I've used a couple of different tuts from this site and also done a lot of experimenting especially with the fields and trees. Some notes:
    -The buldings are a layer above the main road/paved area layer. I used a square brush with some size, angle and roundness jitter to make the edges, but at first it was a great big blob of color. I then went over it with an eraser to make building shapes. Then i used the eares as a buldozer to make the negative space, deleting buildings and widening alleys.
    -There's two different countour/relief layers. One made from lighting effect filter on a heightmap and one is hand drawn shadows, those layers are on top.
    -The ground is made from 4 shades of the same color and overlayed with a grass texture.

    The western part of the city is the poor part of town, a big slum with lots of small shacks and hovels. The eastern side of the river is for the rich and powerful, with bigger houses and even a few parks. On the northern hill there's an old castle with some modern add-ons, since they have cannons in this world. The southwestern fort is home to the local Paladins of Heironeous order, and that's a modern fort with sloping walls and heavy gun emplacements.

    Anything else you want to know? Ask.
    Last edited by Hoel; 12-30-2008 at 07:37 AM. Reason: Added description

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