Ok, getting into Cartography is super intimidating. Right now, I'm using Inkarnate. The program has some pretty cool functionality and assets and is simple enough but I've seen some super advanced maps made with the program. I like it. Any way, I saw that I can import my own custom assets. So, right now I want to make a mushroom city for my D&D world. I was surprised that I couldn't find mushroom building assets. So I set out to make my own. I just completed the first mushroom building using various picutres of mushrooms and my handy gimp program. You're looking at the tavern called The Veiled Capper:

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 10.10.57 PM.png

I saved it as a PNG with the transparent alpha layer and uploaded it into Inkarnate, It looks rad. Here's the wee building in all its glory!!

Veiled Capper.png

I wanted to post it here to celebrate with all you wonderful map makers. Any tips or advice is much appreciated. Thanks for having me!