Hello, I am running a game set in the Pathfinder setting of Golarion, specifically the region of the world known as The Shackles which is basically the Carribian but run by pirate warlords and full of sea monsters. Now a map of The Shackles is provided in one of the pathfinder sourcebook but while the islands are a reasonable size they are all very close together, to the point that the area of The Shackles according to the map's scale is about 119,000 square miles compared to the Carribian's 1,063,000 square miles. Now someone addressed this by photoshopping a map that increased size by a factor of three increasing the size to roughly 1,072,000 square miles. But, well, it's photoshop and doesn't actually look that great and as such I'm here requesting that someone redo the map that I will be posting below in a quality that is more reflective of the non photoshopped map that I will also be posting below.

Payment to be negotiated individually.


This map will see no commercial use, I shall only use the map for the game and will not be posting it online, if you want to do anything with it go ahead it's your creation not mine.

In the photoshopped version the size of several islands is increased by 150%. Bag Island, Devil's Arches, Motaku Isle, Shark Island, Tempest Cay, Dahak's Fang, Horn and Tooth, and Widowmaker Isle, I would like this to remain.

Photoshopped Version - https://imgur.com/AIcagx4

Original Version

The Shackles.PNG