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Thread: Seeking Worldmasters for Cooperative, Commercial Mega Project

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    Default Seeking Worldmasters for Cooperative, Commercial Mega Project

    ---UPDATED!-- (Note, once you click on the photo it appears at the correct angle to read, I have zero clue as to why this forum changes the rotation lol)

    Become an Orbis Orr Worldmaster, once Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game releases you'll be able to mod your homebrew into it! More details in the "white paper" below!

    Follow our social media in the following link:

    ---UPDATED--- Please Read Everything before posting! I'm trying to get globes of your worlds into your hands, on an open market. I'm looking to take a small percentage to focus on growing the overall Fantasy Globe market. This means that you will be able to use my store to sell your worlds, but that also means that you'll have to pay the up front costs of producing and distributing your globes, should you want to. This is not as intense as it sounds, but production runs are at a minimum 500 for anything reasonably cheap, but they'll do one off's for a few hundred. You can hold your world in your hands, and in the future I'm going to release a book that details how to make your own card game using my method, so that you'll have your own globe game! This will make much more sense once you see the awesome capability of Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game ( This is about you bringing your IP together in a sort of Marvel universe of awesomeness. Verrago will have interplanetary travel, using magic, so your world will work. I could tell you so much more of these delectable details, but I want to remain competitive and therefore I can't release to much to the Copy+Paste culture that already exists.




    Seth here from Veridian Worldcrafters. You may know me as the guild member who's been obsessed with making a globe game and painting on a globe (More info at:
    I'd like to extend my heartfelt hello!

    (for site admins, I want to recruit off of this Regional/World Mapping area in particular for the traffic and because this is where the world builders come)

    Here's the competition and why I need you:

    Using my game system, which is designed to work with your game world, you'd enter your world into this competition for a chance to join in the initial trial run of the highest concept of my game, Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game. Now, if you see my instagram page (in the link above) you'll notice this super rough, 30 min picture I drew of the Orbis Orr. I'm going to make this a real thing. A ceiling game, bringing back the orrery style, but it's not just artwork!
    This is a "board" game system!
    The end goal is that we'd share profits and sell your work online. I have globe partners that would be very interested in this. You'd retain ownership of your world/art and could grow your IP any way that you see fit, granting us a license to sell your art for this globe form. You're competing for a spot in this universe, helping it to scale up with all the awesomeness and best that the guild and other online groups can provide.
    Yes, another high profile guild member has already tentatively agreed to this, so remember, you're going to be facing off against the very best! I will definitely appreciate looking at some World Anvil submissions or wherever you keep your work.

    I will caution you be careful what you release, just know that I've already developed my IP and am completely satisfied with it. I want the worlds to be truly different, what makes your world special is important for your world to sell on the market. I have spent 18 years on this world design, so a lot of good ideas are likely to be one's you had, just know that they were developed completely independently, and implemented much differently. How you implement your world matters more than any general ideas you may have, and there's a lot of ways to implement the same idea. This project is stronger for bringing different worlds together, this is an intentional methodology for having vastly different worlds, which is interesting to future customers.
    I will be acting as the project director, especially with the art. If you're chosen, expect there to be an artistic editing to ensure coherency of styles. I'm open to blending styles together to form an overall unique look for the product.
    As of right now there are no dates nor timeline, yet, I wanted to give the Cartographers guild members the first knowledge of this project. I want to give back to you guys, because I love you guys.

    The winners of this competition are based upon my sole approval and I won't appreciate other avenues of persuasion aside from a submission. Judgments will be based upon Overall Quality(awesome factor), How much depth the IP has, How it fits with other worlds (to make the best product), HOW AWESOME YOU ARE in our interactions and my personal preferences.
    Off the wall, bonkers planets are welcome, especially if they have detailed justifications within the laws of our understanding of modern physics! The more detail you have, the better.

    I plan to release this competition to other websites and platforms in the coming weeks, so if you're reading this and this is recently posted, you're getting a head start.

    Let me know questions, concerns and all that. Sorting out the legal stuff before hand is always important, yet that occurs when we actually have a prototype in development. Before that, we have just a bunch of hobby worlds cobbled together and there's not much value in that alone. You have to buy in from the start, not with money, but with action. Your contributions will matter. I'm running this project and I can make no assurances of it's success at such a nascent stage right now. Don't expect your time to be compensated, because mine won't be either and I'll be working harder than anyone else to get this to see the light of day. I'd like to gain consensus in a natural way so that this is a peaceful enterprise, while knowing full well that humans will be humans.
    So I invite the round table concept, you are a knight of your own IP. I expect honorable conduct.

    To submit your project, email me at, with the subject line "Cartographer's Guild applicant". We can go over your world in person like an interview, or send links(or both), whatever level of preparation you're at is fine, I know not everyone's IP is going to be giftwrapped. I prefer face to face interactions, but I will warn you, I can be a silly person.

    I will update this thread with the contest submission end date at a later time.

    I look forward to seeing the best you've got!
    Last edited by Vigilus; 06-23-2024 at 03:20 PM.

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