Hello! I’m looking for someone to detail a pre-existing dungeon level map (see below).

The map is 20x12 (standard graph paper grid). Would like to keep it to that ratio and hi-res.

The level is called the Kennel. It’s where all the were-folk and dire animals live.

I’m looking for someone to reinterpret this layout to fit this theme in a black and white OSR-style (see example attached).

The “rooms” must occupy the same space in the grid, but I don’t want them to all be the same size.

The doorways should obviously be doorways, but since this is the Kennels, they should be openings for the denizens to run through.

The secret doors are open to interpretation.

Raster is fine.

I will retain reproduction rights to the map.

I’m willing to pay 25$ by PayPal or Venmo.

If interested please email me here ->


