Welcome to a dark and gritty world. A world where you live and die by your wits and steel in equal measure. A world where the Lords of Order and Lords of Entropy battle for your soul. All the while the Old Gods, unspeakable beings from the great beyond, infect the dreams of men to hasten their return so they may feed. A world in need of Champions (or Villains depending on your point of view).

Welcome to The Isles of Novarenga!

Hi Folks,

Here is the base map of the 'sphere' I'm using for my upcoming Eternal Champion-ish S&S game using a combination of core Mythras (by The Design Mechanism) and the Elric of Melnobone setting for MRQII which is unfortunately no longer available in print. When I say base map, this is my starting map for the campaign, each kingdom will get a more detailed regional map. I'm writing this up as a setting and apart from some minor tweaks here and there and labelling the major P.O.I. shown on the map this is pretty much done. Created using CC3+.

The term 'sphere' in this instance refers to a sphere of existence in the multi-verse, not necessarily something spherical.

I've changed the name to Isles of Novarenga but haven't updated the map yet; it didn't make much sense to have it called The Kingdoms of 'New Kingdom(s)' which is what Novaregna translates too in either Latin or Catalan (I can't remember which now and Google translate is a bit inconsistent.

C & C welcome.

Novaregna Lo-res.jpg