Quote Originally Posted by Levtrona View Post
looks great with the trees.
Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
I quite like it with the trees. Without them, I sort of lose the sense of space to the rest of the image, but they give a feel for what else is around the orrery, and are certainly the type of thing players in a game would want to make use of, and have a sense for. In short, good job adding 'em!
Quote Originally Posted by Savage Baron View Post
I'll second the plants. I'm pretty much a believer in map scatters.

Okay, so three yays so far. I'll keep the plants, but I do want to add trees. So for the sake of making space but adding the trees, its going to be trunks only. I'll add their Cast shadows later.
Here is an ancient tree example, one of the three biggest trees that will be on the map.
