Quote Originally Posted by Maxicus View Post
That is actually a very good method to try out.
Well I tried it out and it didn't work very well

It looks as if Platec (which produces the tectonics WorldEngine uses) doesn't like it if the grid isn't square. It generates a "world" on the torus as you expect, but the grid seems to be stretched to fit into the dimensions you give it. Now the 4096 x 1024 world isn't just a stretched version of the square (1024 x 1024) one, but it looks stretched in the x direction; the coastlines are quite angular and square, and there aren't enough mountains.

Now WorldEngine does a nice job of enhancing the Platec tectonics into a more mature map using fractal and erosion algorithms, and the square output looks mostly very nice, you might need to tinker with some of the island chains and things to make them a bit less square and so on. But to make a spheroidal planet out of it looks more like a case of generating six tiles (not necessarily all with the same settings) and chopping them around to arrange the continents and other features. I foresee two challenges: firstly, getting the results to join up, you would need to produce content over the joins to get rid of discontinuities; and secondly, you could lose global-scale tectonic features such as coastlines matching up on opposite sides of an ocean.

Oh well.