Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Hey Kellerica!

Thank you!

I see you are using Affinity Designer these days. I'm using Designer and Photo to make new styles for CC3. I haven't got around to making a whole map in Affinity yet, but I probably will eventually. What do you think of it? Is it as good as PS? I don't know, you see. I never even tried PS.
Oh, I do use Affinity designer, but not for mapmaking. AfDE these days is my go-to app for vector design, but for maps I'm still strictly a pixel graphic artist (vector just doesn't allow for the heavy texture work I love so much) and for that I still think PS takes the cake for my personal needs. Vector is good for some mapping elements, mind you, the occasional decorative icon or compass rose, and other more graphic design oriented work.

But yeah, when it comes to maps I'm still PS's collared b*tch, I'm afraid I do own AfPho, but to be honest I haven't touched it in ages. Back when I got it, it had a few features (or lack of them, to be precise) that were absolute deal-breakers for my workflow, so I went back to PS almost right away. I might give it a go again at some point, but the up-to-date version of PS is so great that I'm not in a terrible hurry to get rid of it. I can afford it just fine for now, and I know my way around it too well.