Hello guys and girls !
I'm a little bit nervous about present my project here.
Alright, Here is my Atlas of fantastic Worlds project, I've build a team of seventeen illustrators, some who'd never draw a map before but have differents style and skills.
The book is made like an old grimoir and all world are "medieval".
(I will put the link of the artists at the bottom of this presentation )
Each artists have to create his/her own world (with several maps).
And will also contain an illustrated introduction to roleplaying games. So people who don't know or never played yet would have the tools to start simples games.
This is not a RPG book so the maps are not related to any universes like D&D etc because my point was to be able to use any maps or worlds in the Atlas for any campaign you can create, with a RPG book or not.
My hope will be that the style of the artists will inspire game masters, enhance the inspiration of the players and add deepness in the games.
BUT the RPG part is only optionnal so everyone can enjoy that Atlas as it is. A great collection of maps.
Alright then, Here is the first sketch of the cover (far from finished) :
Draw by Núria Tamarit
(Sorry for the clouds, It just a tiny security, I hope I don't offend anyone this that precautions..)
And here short samples of the maps actually in work in progress :
Draw by (from top to bottom) Mortis Ghost, Chariospirale, Tarmasz,Nico Gendron, Núria Tamarit
We didn't put that on the internet so far so please please please DON'T SPREAD ANY THE IMAGES ON THE WEB without asking me first !!
It will be release as a Kickstarter campaign alongside some screenprints and other goodies. I'm still not sure about the release date tho.
_I would of course like reviews from everyone here about what they think about that project !
_I have start this project myself, I'm a 2d animator for cartoons and feature films so I had to learn all about editing but more I will have to take care of the release and advertising once we will launch this project,
to ensure that all the team have not work for nothing. So I will need the help of everyone to spread the new (if you like it of course) ONCE this is online
I also would be very interested to be in contact with people who have known websites and influencers in the area of RPG and cartography.
So if you know people who would like to help me working on my advertise campaign please contact me !
I need any help I can get for that.
I trully hope that you will like that project.
And finally, I can't show yet full samples of my fellows but as I have (finally) a bit of time to work on my world I would like to show you my work in progress.
In a few words, my world is without any natural lights such as Sun or stars, it's always dark and it's a place where people arrived sometimes when they lost themself in dark places.
Nobody (apparently) know how to go there, and nobody know how to get out of course. Even if rumors and legends exists.
So people have step by step learn how to live in this dark world and use strange trees to make fires.
This is one of the map, showing the biggest city :
This is a sketch, nothing is clean and I only put rough greys shades to have an idea of how to put the lights.
Aaaaand, that's all folks !
List of artists :