Good evening from France!

I'm Alessio, aka Feathered fox ink, glad to finally join the forum. I started messing around with my creative self a few years ago, starting with calligraphy then mapdrawing.
As a dedicated DM and a big fan of all the cool maps in my favourite fantasy books, I soon got the idea to use my calligraphy tools and skills in drawing my own maps. So here I am, something like 2 years later. I keep experimenting new things, especially paper types and watercolours, but I keep doing all my linework and lettering with nothing but dip pen and ink.

Here are some examples of my work:

59972113_317167908978333_4113244682790633472_o.jpg 78036461_428470044514785_1011311437810761728_o.jpg 3Rivages.jpg

I'm active on Instagram and Facebook, and I had heard about the forum a while ago but never really took the final step. Until now.

I look forward sharing with you all!