I normally don't do buildings, not really quite sure why, but have stuck to outside encounter maps for a while. First attempt at a Tavern I think.

Repurposed my landscape from the Halloween challenge, (my favorite landscape to date).

Went with stone walls, wooden floors. The table I had kicking around for a while, a wooden table with rusted metal ring around the edges to give it some character. Made a dozen or so tabletops for it, with different highlights etc, in the grain, so its not completely repeating. Only made 5 variants on the chairs though(my kitchen table chair). I figured throwing them around half hazard would break it up a little. Still might change the color tone on a few.

Created a massive two-sided fireplace, and stone hearth. Cooking pots(details hard to see at size). Barrels, crates, chest. Came from another light challenge(Caves of Chaos), I think it was. Although the chest may have been a rework of one of Bogies.

I still have most of the kitchen area to go, shelves, worktables, etc. Would like to add something more in the table area, some cushions maybe on some chairs, lanterns on the table, something. A splash of color besides the wine stained floor beneath the barrels, lol.

Let me know what you think.
