By - JO -
Very good idea, these plateaus and canyons. It is a particularity which brings a small original touch to these regions of the East... It's a great way to tell exciting stories as we approach the kingdom of Valmadar, with a little bit of mystery. Excellent!

Small question: wouldn't an additional fort be welcome on the peninsula that guards the narrowest part of the arm of the sea that separates Valmadar and the large southern territory (between the lighthouse and the other fort)? It is just a question.

Edit : the story of this kingdom must be written, some day ! You managed a perfect place to inspire epic legends !
Thanks! I did some more plateaus and finished the taïga (huzzaa!!).
I placed a fort in the location you're talking about, but it's a placeholder because I intend to a special fortress here.

Well, if it is inspiring you a story, it's necessary partly yours. You gave me the initial script
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