Next project, first main map done... this is a Biker Gang Clubhouse/Compound map, and I plan to create a few more 22 x 34 inch maps for some of the outbuildings and a few vehicles I have yet to create in 3D. What you see is the main biker clubhouse. At top left is the biker quarters in military style rooms: bed, wall locker and a desk. To the far top right is the latrine: showers, toilets and sinks. Below the quarters are a line of motorcycles - mind you it's an eclectic mix of road chopper, military bike and two hover bikes in different colors, but it works. To the right of those is the gang leader's office, and the leadership conference room. Below that is the clubhouse bar with pool tables and fully stocked bar. To the right of the bar, outside is a concrete pad with picnic tables and a grill. Below that is a commercial kitchen. Below that is backroom and loading dock for the kitchen with a large refrigeration unit, furnace, water heater and softener. Bar bathrooms are in the hall to the left of that. To the bottom left is a 5 bay commercial garage with a combat car and bikes getting worked on. To the right of that is the main warehouse. Next onto the outbuildings and other vehicles... enjoy!

The vehicles including the bikes, lift jacks, and the black chairs were all modeled in Wings 3D and lit, textured and rendered in Vue Creator. Everything else in the map was generated in Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 365 ($49), a vector drawing program like Illustrator - and use of lots of photo texture fills.


