This challenge was pretty specific: "Design a fortress for a handful of survivors to withstand a zombie apocalypse. Most of the world has already succumbed to the zombie virus, and now there are only pockets of humanity left to resist the onslaught of the living dead (and each other)."

I added some ink to paper, taking about an hour to an hour and a half, the majority spent on devising the content. I knew I had no time during the month to do a good map, but I thought I could do the kind of map quality you would get from a zombie cartographer. He's a "smart zombie", but still pretty stupid, so simple sketching is all he can muster. Fancy borders and cartouches, color, keyed locations, or even using a ruler to get a proper straight line were beyond him. While I expected no votes for this map, it actually proved one of my more popular entries to date.

Castle Mall.png