The first part is copied from my reply to the spammers post, which could do with being here. "Blummin' sneaky that! Meanwhile, the real Mal is still beavering away trying to figure my way through Krita, so I'm still using Paint dot net. I've discovered it's fine for flat places like Holland and North Germany, but it's going to be a nightmare once I get to more mountainous regions such as the Alps!! AAARRRGGGHHH! I need a simpler way of showing contouring than hachures.
Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone by the way."
Since I posted that, I THINK I've figured out how to do all the hachuring. In a new layer, I outline the top of the hachures in mid-brown and mark where they end on a separate layer, then use a rake blender to draw the hachures down to the base marks. It's still going to be pretty time consuming, but hey, it's quicker than doing each one on its own! I'm trying a second, lighter line part way down so the colour lightens slightly.WIP part.jpg
How would you do it, Ilanthar and XploringMap?
This is a WIP. I'm still deciding on the style and textures I want to use. I'm working on multiple layers :-sea, land base, rivers, roads, woods, heath, marsh and meadow layers plus settlements and separate ones for lettering and cartouches. That way, if I change my mind (which I'm doing a bit too often) I can simply hide a layer and add another. I feel as though I am making progress at last though and changes are becoming less frequent.