Quote Originally Posted by QED42 View Post
Can't rep you again so soon but a lovely map!
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
What a beautiful maps of yours !
Less vibrant colors than usual, but full of details and lovely little coat of arms !
I really love the globe on the lower left corner... very impressive !
And I love too the way you drawn rhumb lines... discrete but present.
Also the capitals letters of the title are gorgeous
Quote Originally Posted by Adfor View Post
You're outdoing yourself, Voolf!

Using the location on the planet as the compass rose is pretty brilliant.

Quote Originally Posted by AriochIV View Post
Great work! I like the addition of the globe.
Quote Originally Posted by mapmage View Post
Really enjoy it! Hats off for the sea monsters (always a personal favorite) and the globe denoting the placement of said continent. Great job!
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is wonderful, just fantastic. I love everything about it!
Thank you very much guys.

Quote Originally Posted by jshoer View Post
I love your whimsical mountains! These ones in particular look like you pulled them up like clay and sculpted them.

I like the globe indicating the region, too, but the one thing I don't get about it is that I think the 'N' arrow sticking out of the globe doesn't actually indicate north on the map. (Or am I just turned around?)
Quote Originally Posted by Greason Wolfe View Post
North on the globe. If you you tilt the hi-lighted area on the globe to the left, it will match up to the detailed area in the main map, bit will agree that it is a wee bit disorienting. Still, another killer map!
It does indicate north. As Greason Wolfe mentioned. The globe is tilted. The top part of the globe (near letter N) is actually a north pole. The detailed map area is more or less on the equator.

Quote Originally Posted by Arimel View Post
Amazing map as always! I love how you manage to make all of the land 'filled in' or having detail. Your squid also looks extremely evil. I mean really evil...
The land detail is very time consuming but pays off. And yeah, it's an evil squid. I mean, ships are coming and going though the squid's front door all the time. Got irritated