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Thread: Continent Map for Homebrew Game

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    Default Continent Map for Homebrew Game

    This map will be a single continent map used for a homebrew game of D&D that I am running. I have experimented with hand drawing my own maps and using apps like Wonderdraft (I’ve used this the most), but I’m not a very artistic person and I’ll be honest the art of map making seems to be beyond my skills. So, I figured it better to hire an interested third party to make a sweet map I can use for my game.

    Continent of Azoris

    Small/Medium continent: Approx 1000 miles from North to South and 500-700 miles across. Variation of forests, snowy mountains in the north, some arid plains, one desert, marshes/swamps, rivers, 2-4 large cities. Really just a map with basic variation of normal fantasy geography, I am not picky about all the small details. Preferably everything labeled.

    Unique geography: One large mountain range near the center of the continent, runs North to south approx. 3-400 miles, separates the western and eastern sides of the continent. Eastern side of the map is more arid and contains a desert, western side of the map contains 2-3 forests and lots of rivers/small lakes. Capital city is in the far north eastern part of the map and borders the sea.

    Starting area inclusion: I’ve already started the campaign and used a starting town named Dirtham. It would be located in the Southwestern part of the map; it has a forest and small river on its western border and to it’s east a lake called lake Midnea. My players will be leaving Dirtham soon to a medium sized mining town roughly 20 miles north called Kuvall. Kuvall sits at the very southwestern tip of the large mountain range mentioned in the unique geography.

    Besides the unique geography and starting towns mentioned, feel free to experiment or create whatever you think would fit/look best.

    I am including a map for reference that I really like the look of. I am very flexible on what the style can look like, I will happily reference your previous works to see if I like the style of maps you create.


    Quality & Size
    300 dpi/full color
    Required for print
    Dimensions: 18" x 24"

    I request only reproduction rights.
    Will NOT be used for commercial purposes.
    Artist retains copyright.

    Flexible; 3-5 months would be ideal

    Contact & Payment
    $300-400 for finished product paid via Paypal. We can discuss payment for sketching up early drafts of the map. I am also willing to go above this budget if the quality of your work/portfolio is very impressive. I understand high quality and high levels of detail take a long time and am willing to pay for both.

    I do not have 5 posts on here yet so email is the best way to contact me for payment/map discussion, otherwise comments on here are fine. Please be patient with emails as I don’t always have access to my phone/email when I’m at work.
    Chris Carlson
    remove dashes and quotes
    Last edited by Critical1; 02-27-2021 at 03:03 AM.

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