So I decided that I need to actually get started with this challenge if I intended to take part. After last month's challenge I am rather cityed / settlemented out so I decided to do an outdoor adventure. And, after all, who does not like hunting down pirate treasure? Also, this will give me the chance to retry drawing the ships from the last challenge.

An announcement is made. The great Seaclaw, famous pirate of the seas is dying, with only a week left to live. He has decided to release a map to the town square detailing the location to part of his great hoard of wealth. You and your crew have the opportunity of a lifetime, to follow the map and receive the riches at the end. But, what's this? Everyone knows about the map and treasure and several other crews have already set out, intent on making the treasure their own. What lengths will you go to to be the first to the treasure and is your crew up to the task?

To find the treasure you will need to find the key in Alcott (beware, taking more than one key will result in a far higher cost than you could predict), braving the Kraken Sea, finding your way through the maze of the Misty Isles, before landing on Seaclaw's island to battle the other pirates already searching for the treasure (should there be any time left in the adventure).

### Latest WIP ###
Pirate Treasure.png