Hello everyone

I've made this map for the February 2021 Challenge which consisted in redoing an old map.

After a big break from making maps because 2020 happened, I wanted to get back to it and participating in the challenges once again because I really missed it. The redo challenge was the perfect opportunity at the perfect time for me to do so.

The old one was made 2 years ago with wonderdraft. Since then, I've learned a lot and slowly transitioned from wonderdraft to photoshop and hand drawing, mostly due to participating in other challenges and experimenting new things while making those maps. A lot of those experiments will never see the light of day, however, I don't see them as mistakes but more as a necessary process to become a better artist. I still have a lot to learn but I'm really happy to see what I have achieved in two years.

Here is the old one:
Ashar Daerora Colored portfolio.png

And here is the redo:
Ashar Daerora - Cédric H. The Fantasy Maps Forge.jpg

I’ve made one small change from the last version that I submitted in the challenge to make the labels easier to read.

I hope you’ll like it.