Hey everyone!

So last week was my March break, and I've been playing No Man's Sky ALL WEEK. So when I saw that this month's challenge was about space invasions, I was ecstatic.
I automatically thought of my current base in NMS and how, from the minute I set foot on the planet, I fell in love with the colors and the atmosphere. I decided I wanted to draw a landscape of a planet with those colors, and it would be the siege of that planet.
Not gonna lie, the hardest part will probably be drawing all the technology (spaceships, bases, monoliths, etc.), but I'm confident I'm gonna handle it fine.

So here is my sketch, I'm so in love, I wanna go live there. The lilac sky makes me crazy, I hope you'll like it! I'll post another WIP soon, but in the meantime, if you wanna see my process, I streamed the whole thing on Twitch! -> https://www.twitch.tv/mistigris09/videos (Feel free to leave a follow <3)

### Latest WIP ###
