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Thread: Bats#!+ Crazy Mapmaker Wanted for Goblin Kingdom! (USD$100-$200)

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    Default Bats#!+ Crazy Mapmaker Wanted for Goblin Kingdom! (USD$100-$200)

    Hello again, you talented people you. Knocking off another country on Oustea this month, the Goblin Kingdom of Nargle!


    "Safe from the Empire largely due to geographical accident, the goblin kingdom of Nargle is largely carved into and below the cliffs near the capital Yud Bobbotch, where the title of King currently rests in the hands of the violently conniving King Beemo, leader of the Tinyhand Brood. That said, goblin politics are a dangerous game, and both the Marshlight and Bloodfart Broods are actively angling for the Crown... the Whizzbangs are too distractable to make a sustained play for rulership. The dangerous predators that inhabit the rest of Nargle have kept the goblin population in check thus far, but woe to the nation that underestimates the evil that an unleashed Nargle could inflict upon the world."

    All that, though, was written and drawn by an Imperial cartographer. I NEED A MAP FROM THE GOBLINS' POINT OF VIEW!!! This'd ideally include some creative place suggestions on your part as well, though I'll reserve the right to weigh in on names of locations.

    I'd want right of reproduction and to display on the website of our podcast, but all other copyrights may remain with the artist.

    What do you all think? I've got some ideas how a goblin might draw a map, but what are yours?

    Thanks to all who respond in advance: I really looking forward to seeing more of y'all's creative work. Even if this isn't the project for us, there are 15 more maps in the queue...

    EDIT: Ti, thank you for your astonishing work.

    Last edited by WeWithTorches; 06-18-2022 at 11:37 AM. Reason: job was accepted! AND completed!

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