Hello, I'm relatively new to cartography, but I've been working on a fantasy world for some time now and I want to have reasonably realistic geography for it. So I've mapped out my climates for my world on a rough map. It's quite incomplete, and I have more detailed maps where I'm figuring out things like major mountain ranges and rivers for each continent, but I want to make sure my climate estimations aren't glaringly awful before moving forward with everything else. Does anyone here have any critiques they might be able to give on my map and/or the climates within them? This map isn't intended to be particularly pretty at the moment; I want to get my geography down pat before I make more aesthetically pleasing or detailed maps. But, broadly speaking, do these regions and geographical landmarks look alright to everyone here? What criticisms of this world would you have? world complete all climates with borders and temperature zones.jpg

Note: this image does have borders on it, but they're not all strict country borders. In a lot of regions, they show linguistic or cultural divisions instead, and I'm still working on my country and empire divisions based on these borders. In any case, the main question I'm asking about this map isn't about the borders but about the geography and climate details. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!