Since I can never just focus on one thing at a time, today I've been messing around with getting some smaller scale maps for city map inserts, something on the order of 1:100,000 to 1:250,000 scale.

I've mostly been using Gaea to enhance the existing DEM that I have, just adding additional erosion structures to fill in details. The most challenging part of this is ensuring that I don't change the watersheds/existing rivers that I've already established at a larger scale too much.

Anyway, I also can't help myself when it comes to trying to get satellite imagery-esque views, so I ran the detailed DEM through Gaea again to try and get something that looked realistic.


I've left off roads because I'll need to rework them slightly for the detailed view.

Here's what it looks like in reference to the larger region:


All in all, I'm pretty happy with how the test turned out. It might be more challenging, though, when I need to enhance regions that don't have as strong of and erosion effect. I don't think I'll be including satellite imagery in my atlas, but it certainly is fun to play around with!