Progress: in case you're curious how an average commission rolls out for me.

Concept positioning guide:
cam baker gennmatos 2.jpg

Client didn't like the rounds or compass (it's okay, I've already used the compass on another upcoming map):
cam baker gennmatos 3 sketch.jpg

Added the fill. I know this is a bit 'draw the rest of the owl'... sorry... that was one stage for me, though it was a longer one, so I don't have captures from the middle of it.
cam baker gennmatos 3.jpg

A few changes for my client.
cam baker gennmatos 4.jpg

Text goes on, plus the digital paintings for the sidebar are finally done.
cam baker gennmatos 5.jpg

Final map, a couple of small changes and a piece of missing text added: (there's also a version with brighter text in case it prints badly, and a version in black and white for my client)
cam baker gennmatos 6 small watermarked.jpg