My gosh it's been so long since I posted a WIP map here, years, I think.
Okay, just beginning the deck plan for the Argos generational colony starship of super colossal scale (396 miles long, 500 trillion displacement tons). Since I cannot place 10,000 tenth inch bays and still make it both readable and understandable, at this scale, I am limited to creating humungous bays to accommodate massive foundries, ore processors, refineries, etc, which I have yet to do, but have placed the bays for them - in the second section fore of the torus. In that first section fore of the torus, is the massive hanger bay for this ship. Already placed are 500 Colonist Transport ships each 800 feet long, each capable of taking 100 colonists down to the planet, so 50,000 could be taken down to a planet in one sortie. Those blue specks on the lower right corner of the hanger bay are those 500 ships. On the top center is 12 Landers, huge, 2000 ft wide massive drop pods - these are fitted for equipment and pod structures for erecting mining facilities. I plan to fill the rest of the hanger with gargantuan and colossal ships. Once I get to the foundries and factories section, I'll be creating massive equipment, structures, conduits, etc. in each one. That fore part of the ship, the narrower point area is the main ship operations: bridge, computer, sensor array, comms, fire control, shields, etc.
Running down the center is a looping track which take passengers on high speed vaccuum trains that travel up to 200 mph, to stations along the way - the hanger, the industrial zones, the ship operations bays and bridge. Then on the other end to engineering.
Oh, using a concrete tile pattern that closely resembles a hex grid as the deck material, and even using it like a regional hex, to give you a sense of scale - each "hex" is 5 miles across.
I see at least another day if not two to complete this massive deck plan... first image is the side view illustration, then the WIP map...