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Thread: January Entry: Haevenstadt Harbor

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    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Tigard (and Florence) Oregon

    Wip January Entry: Haevenstadt Harbor

    Well, after a rather dismal "tutorial" on converting FTPro results over to Terragen (one which I am currently re-writing, btw) I decided to put my own words into practice as part of this month's challenge.

    As a new WIP, Haevenstadt Harbor is going to be an adventure in and of itself, especially since I've decided to work it up mostly in Terragen with a little help from PSP and FTPro. This is going to mean developing several layers, all rendered from specific angles in Terragen, then masked to create the overall scene. The fact that the area, as a whole, is dominated by sea cliffs, reefs, shoals and natural jetties hasn't made things any easier, but I am managing some slow and steady progress.

    Haevenstadt Harbor (pronounce Hie-ven-stahd) is centered along a 300 mile stretch of coastline that is quite similar to the coastline along the northwestern portion of the U.S. and Canada. It is particularly treacherous for sea-going vessels and offers few areas for beaching during fall and winter storms. Haevenstadt Harbor is one of the few exceptions with a cove that is naturally protected and a lower portion of the town that is close enough to sea level for the building of docks and warehouses. With the exception of Lower Haevenstadt, the coast is dominated by sea cliffs, some rising as high as 300 meters before the land begins to level off. Even with that leveling, however, things aren't easy for travelers in the area, and as they move further inland, they encounter the Sturengard Mountains.

    I still have a number of details to work up for the region, but figured I would start with a rough, regional map that is looking into Haevenstadt Harbor from a northwestern view point. The image is still in its roughest stages, but if you look closely, you will see a flatter area nestled in at the base of the harbor representing Lower Haevenstadt. This image, once it is fully detailed, will probably end up as a corner image for the overall map which will be a zoomed in version of Haevenstadt and its immediate surroundings. Given the nature of the project, I am suspecting that I will finish it up just in time for the challenge. Well, at least I am hoping to finish it up just in time for the challenge, whether that happens or not remains to be seen.


    ### Latest WIP ###
    Last edited by Greason Wolfe; 01-07-2009 at 10:00 PM. Reason: Title Correction and WIP Tag

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