I'm jumping in hot by jumping into the challenge, and then immediately getting overwhelmed with possibilities.
I spent far too long looking up mathematical depictions of 4d and 5d space, and genuinely considered trying to depict something like hopf fibrations, torus universes, and the klein bottle.

However, I've decided to end up with something resembling a star chart, of possible realms that could be traveled to, within a multi-verse made of interlocking rings. This is a lot, and maybe too much, but hey, it's fun.

### Latest WIP ###
astral sky.png

I think this is the vague layout of what I want the map to look like, and the upper corners might have text or might be decorative. The central image will be the possible universes/worlds to travel to, the bottom left is the distances and dimensions, and the bottom right will be a visual of the interlocking ring structure of this multi-verse. Then there'll be a little portal on the right, showing how to travel, and some made-up equation on the left to power that.

Who knows, I might rejig this to showcase clearer the travel, so put a wormhole or the like, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯