Dear cartographers,

I'm sure that most of you - like myself - love real castles and also imagine fantasy ones.

For my private fantasy role-playing group I'm in the need of a castle in a mountainous Mediterranean area. So I stumbled on the Castle of Loarre in Spain, which is a nearly perfect fit for my purpose. Unfortunately, it is partly in ruins, so we must imagine how it might look like in a fully functional fantasy setting.

As a first step, I would love to have a top view without the need for interior map details (maybe future commission). So a town-style would be perfect, similar to the great work that John (Suruq) and Greg (Heldor) already did for our group in the past. But since the castle has only a few buildings, more details on them would be nice to make them look lively. ;-)

The interesting feature of this castle is that the main gate (in fantasy with a gatehouse) is on the lowest level. Then stairs lead under the big church upwards to a first level and some smaller steps outside to the main inner castle. Also, the castle layout is very nice and typical of medieval times. No need to integrate the long outer wall in the illustration - just the section of the view I attached. No grid needed.

So here is a nice drone video of the original Castillo de Loarre:

Attached is also my preferred layout as I imagined or need the buildings.
Original Castillo.jpgLayout Castillo.png

If you google Castillo de Loarre you can find many more photos.

If you are interested in this gig, I would love to hear from you!

Best regards
