This was going to be my entry for the August 2021 Mapping Challenge but I won't finish it in time. This is also my first town map and I am struggling with conceptualising some stuff. Maybe I am overthinking things?

Here is a sketch of the region:

And here is the street plan of the town with districts identified, number of markets listed and town walls separating the different areas. Note that I switched from square pylons to circular ones midway through. There is a canal that runs through the town redirected from the river to water some of the farmland outside the town, not sketched in. The CBD (central business district) is the administrative centre of the town. The town hall, guild houses and more affluent market can be found here.

The town started as a religious centre - a pilgrimage site where the goddesses of life and nature, and gods of knowledgeand storms are worshipped. Later mineral deposits were discovered in the hills and the nearby forest provided lumber.

Here is a sketch of the town layout.

For context this region is situated in the Northeastern region of the Drata continent of the world, Ovum Novum.

Any advice you can give will be helpful and appreciated.