Heya folks!

This is my fourth attempt at making a post (I'm so scared of asking stupid questions and all my questions sound stupid in my head). This is a basic map I made with pre-created assets, brushes and textures. So 100% not my artwork. I want to keep this as an end goal of where I want to reach by the end of this map-making journey.

What I want to know as I start is :

- are my placements of the geographic features correct? any of them look unnatural or out of place?
- am I making any big mistakes in laying out the land?
- anything I need to know when trying to follow an art-style such as this one?
- which one is a better purchase for a complete beginner for easier learning? a drawing tablet / a display tablet

How I plan to work :

- I want to draw the entire map instead of making brushes for myself. I made brushes following the wonderful 'Easy maps in GIMP' tutorial here. It was fun and I learnt how to use GIMP interface a bit. But it did not feel right to me.
- The reference map colors are a good fit for what I had in mind
- Till I get my tablet situation sorted, I plan to draw on paper, scan it and then do modifications to it slowly (Possibly dumb idea )

Thank you for reading all that. If this is too bland or weird, I apologize. Just wanted to start a thread and post updates as I started working on this new avenue.
