"The skonish burial ground of Altkolm ist a strange case. Not only are there some graves that have been opened after a while, but there are also a lot of unusual burials: Skeletons with tied up arms, stones weighing down the legs, sometimes decapitated bodies. Especially strange are some graves in the eastern corner that seem to date from the same time period, just before the burial ground was abandoned. They appear somehow chaotic, without a grave enclosure. The feet of most of the skeletons at this corner are missing, it seems they were chopped off. I guess what we see here is an example for the fear of revenants. Unfortunately the literature doesn't tell us anything about what happened at Altkolm."

I love to look at my fantasy world from a somehow archeological perspective and first I wanted to draw an excavation map of the burial ground with all the skeletal positions, but that would have been way too time consuming. So to be able to finish it in time I wanna go for more of a fantasy style map. Here is my first sketch:

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