After my DM started a new campaign with a world of his own creation, and saw the generated map he had, I decided to make my own version of it by hand as a gift, as well as finally dipping my toe into the map making world.

Created using a mix of Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio Art Paint, I experimented with layouts and drawing styles. Really enjoyed the process, though I think for my first attempt at a map, I might have bitten off more than I should have!

My intention was to draw up a map that would be at home in the D&D world my DM had created, and that I would be able to update with place names as and when they were discovered by the group playing the game, hence some of the wide empty spaces, ready for all the battle markers and towns ahead!

I focused on the use of sepia and black pen marks on a parchment effect background, as well as simple and effective use of texture to provide a slightly rough and handmade effect, such as sponge effect blue for the coast times and wax crayon smudging and smooth texture to the compass.

Also, though I prefer the parchment colour showing through, I also did a full colour map as a chance to experiment with colour and blending.

Here are the maps, and hope you like! I want to practise and improve, so your thoughts on these are very welcome!

Cevil Map v4.jpg

Cevil Map v5.jpg