I decided yesterday to give making my own maps from scratch another go (rather than using Dungeondraft's native assets and style). Focusing on a consistent style this time, and going for something cartoony and stylized, like a fun little game. Not sure if this style would find a lot of fans as a battlemap, but I like the idea. The downside is, I have to make every single basic asset before I can create even a basic map, rather than only having to draw the unusual bits or fancy decorations - this will take forever. I do want to start with some rural maps (paths, fields, orchards etc.) to begin with, so when I saw the topic for the current lite challenge I couldn't help thinking "pumpkin patch"! I probably won't make it on time, I spent all day yesterday painting textures (that's a lot of cobble stones) and today making a grass material (and also still trouble shooting the textures). At least, by the end of the day, I have a somewhat functional map base to populate with assets:

### Latest WIP ###